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Zirconia Crowns


There are many required qualifications such as biocompatible, natural tooth appearance, aesthetic, and mechanical strength in dental aesthetics. These factors are available in zirconia and metal is not used in the substructure. Zirconia crowns are one of the best quality products reached in dental aesthetics by now. It is one of the indispensable elements of dental aesthetics with its strength, tissue compatibility, and natural appearance.


Silvery metal substructures are used under classical metal-supported porcelain veneers to increase the fracture resistance and durability of the porcelain. While this situation strengthens the veneers, it negatively affects aesthetics due to the silvery metal. These veneers prevent the teeth from looking natural and cause black reflections, especially at the gumline.


On the other hand, zirconia mineral is a white-colored substance in dental treatment. This mineral is transformed into zirconia ceramic by being processed with special processes in furnaces. While the light transmittance of zirconia crowns is almost the same as natural teeth, it does not cause a dark color in the gums like metal-supported crowns and does not cause a matte appearance.


In which situations are zirconia crowns applied? 

Zirconia crowns are mostly used for aesthetic purposes. Zirconia crowns are used:

  • In highly colored teeth that cannot be achieved with methods such as bleaching,
  • In the treatment of hereditary color, In separated or crooked teeth such as diastema where orthodontic treatment is not preferred,
  • In restorations of old filled teeth with damaged color and structure, and worn,
  • As a bridge or a crown in the posterior group of teeth, in the anterior group of the prosthesis,
  • Smile design


Empress veneers or zirconia crowns can be applied in cases where there is no tooth loss, excessive damage, or where the laminate crown approach may be insufficient. However, in cases of tooth loss, only zirconia crowns must be preferred. In cases where the long toothless gaps, it is not recommended as the possibility of fracture in the posterior regions will increase.


Zirconia crowns advantages

The most important advantage is that its light transmittance, so the appearance of natural teeth is fully captured. The healthy enamel transmits light. Metals, which are the substructures of classical porcelain veneers, create an opaque appearance on teeth. This causes the teeth to look inanimate and artificial. This situation has been prevented with zirconia.

  • With zirconia crowns, the teeth are covered in the closest way to their natural appearance.
  • The problem of discoloration on the gums that occurred in metal-based veneers is eliminated.
  • It is biocompatible and those with metal allergies can get rid of dental disorders with this method.
  • The tooth tissue part is cut at a low rate.
  • There is no problem of tooth sensitivity to cold and hot food consumption, it is insulating.
  • It does not cause gum problems and bad breath in the mouth, it is very healthy.
  • No color change on the teeth due to reasons such as coffee, tea, and smoking.


How are zirconia teeth made?

The process of preparing zirconia teeth in the mouth is the same as preparing classical porcelain teeth and taking measurements. The distinctness starts in laboratory processes. The porcelain used in this system contains zirconia in the substructure, thus achieving excellent aesthetic quality and naturalness and shortening the construction period.


How are zirconia crowns fitted?

Zirconia crowns procedure stages are listed as follows:

1. Local anesthesia is performed before the zirconia crown fitting.

2. The size of the teeth is measured.

3. The outer layer of the tooth is removed.

4. A temporary crown is installed over the tooth.

5. The color of the crown is selected following the natural tooth color.

6. The zirconia crown that is suitable for the measurements and the selected color is shaped within 3 to 5 days and made ready for fitting.

7. Prepared zirconia crowns are adhered to the patient's tooth structure.

8. Controls are provided in periods every 6 months after the procedure.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can it be done to those who are allergic to metal?

Zirconia crowns do not cause metal allergy since they do not contain metal. Also, the zirconia tooth can't create bad breath. Since it is not a metal-supported treatment, there is no taste change or bad breath in the mouth.


  • How to take care of zirconia crowns? 

Teeth should brush as usual. Super Floss and floss are used for toothless areas. Problems that may occur are avoided when you visit your dentist every 6 months regularly.


  • Is there any possibility of discoloration of zirconia crowns? 

It does not cause plaque cumulation due to its smooth and slippery porcelain surface. For this reason, it is not affected by colorants such as coffee, tea, and cigarette. Its color remains constant.


  • Is zirconia crown damage to teeth when it is replaced? 

When zirconia teeth are replaced, there is no damage. Since the veneers are cut while being removed, there is no tissue loss in the teeth and there is no disturbance during the procedure.


  • Is zirconia crowns are biocompatible with gum? 

It is a biocompatible material. The purplish discoloration in the gums which is seen in metal-supported prostheses never occurs. It does not cause gum disease.


  • How long does zirconia crown treatment take?

The zirconia treatment period is approximately 1 week. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the patient's expectation in the process and the treatment approach.


  • What is the difference of zirconia crown from metal-supported veneers?

No matter how successful the metals are, they cause negativities such as oxidation over time. This affects oral hygiene and creates deformations in the veneers or bridges that can cause problems. However, this is not the case with zirconia crowns. In zirconia crowns, teeth are less abraded compared to metal-based veneers. In this way, the natural structure of the tooth is preserved as much as possible.

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