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Tummy Tuck


Tummy tuck also is known as Abdominoplasty, is a surgery that is performed to remove excess fat and loose skin from the abdomen. In some patients, loose and damaged abdominal muscles can also be repaired. This creates a new abdomen that is smoother and thinner. This procedure is performed for many reasons which include;

  • Massive weight loss or weight gain,
  • Abdominal deformation due to pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Increased sagging due to aging,
  • Heredity,
  • When diets and exercises do not achieve the flat tummy that you desire.


Types of Abdominoplasty

There are two types of abdominoplasty: Mini and Full.

  1. 1) In Mini Abdominal Lifting excess fat is removed in the abdomen and waist area; excess tissue under the abdomen is removed and stretching is applied. Absolutely, no treatment is applied to the area above the navel. Mini abdominal lifting is the process of stretching only the region under the belly button.


  1. 2) Full abdominal lifting is performed between the navel, groin, and abdomen. The sagging, cracks and adipose tissue excess seen in this area are removed. Separated muscles above and below the belly button create an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer. This method is preferred when excess fats and sagging are also seen in the upper region of the belly button.


Who is suitable for a tummy tuck?

Mostly, this cosmetic surgery applies to adults. One of the most important factors is that the person who will undergo the surgery must be in his or her proper weight. If they are not, he or she is expected to lose weight. The importance of losing weight is to achieve the desired level of stretching by reducing abdominal tension.



In abdominal stretching surgery; certain medicines and medical conditions can cause a patient to be an “at-risk candidate”. Some medical conditions that are considered high risk are as follows:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Vascular disease

To achieve the best results a person seeking this type of cosmetic surgery should have the following information ready during their tummy tuck consultation:

  • Surgical goals
  • Medicines you use
  • Medical conditions
  • Previous surgeries
  • Photographs of your abdomen


Preparations Before and After Surgery

Before the surgery;

  • Do not smoke for at least 4 weeks
  • Do not drink or ingest aspirin for at least 1 week
  • Medical test for evaluation


After the surgery;

  • You will stay for 1 night(usually), dressing for 3-4 days, but the complete recovery takes 4-6 weeks,
  • Your antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed by your doctor,
  • No sports activities for 2 months,
  • The tummy tuck surgery scar usually takes from nine months up to a year to fully heal and lighten into a thin, fine line,
  • You may need to use a corset after surgery.



There may be swelling, bruising, numbness in your abdomen after the operation which is normal. The numbness will improve within 6 months.

Procedure Risks

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Excessive bleeding during surgery
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Hematoma (risk is 3-4%)
  • Heavy scar
  • Suture rupture


How a Tummy Tuck is Performed and Why

This type of surgery is for candidates who can not reach an ideal flat stomach despite exercising, wants a sportier body, and wants to reach a smoother belly in a shorter time.

Such operations that will provide the ability to shape fat and emulsion the fat are called painless liposuction; also this procedure is performed in a way that does not damage nerves or fats in any way.


Anesthesia and Incision

  • The first step for people who undergo general or local anesthesia will be to determine the location of the muscles and act accordingly. The doctor will mark your abdomen to indicate the exact location of the incisions.


Removing the excess fat and skin

  • With micro inputs, the vibration is given to certain areas where there is lubrication and the muscles do not show. The self-evident fat layer is eliminated, allowing the muscles to be visible. The belly button is reshaped.


Belly button

  • A new opening for the belly button is created. The belly button is popped through to the surface and sutured into position.

Usually,  the tummy tuck operation can take from 1 to 5 hours depending on the extent of the surgery.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect?

Abdominoplasty gives you a better and younger-looking flat tummy.

Will the marks from the surgery be permanent? 

The marks will never disappear, it is not possible yet. Over time the marks and the redness diminished. The mark is designed to remain under your underwear.

When can I return to work? 

Depending on how physically demanding your job is, you may be ready to return to work after 2 to 4 weeks. 

Can a tummy tuck surgery be combined with other operations?

Yes, it is very common to combine a tummy tuck with other surgeries. The tummy tuck procedure can combine with breast enlargement, breast lift, liposuction, and buttock lift. It is called “Mommy Makeover” when cosmetic procedures are combined into one operation like this.

Will I have a lot of pain after surgery?

Pain medications given after surgery are enough to eliminate your pain. Although pain tolerance depends on each person; pain will decrease in two to three days.

Is tummy tuck surgery result permanent and what should I do to keep on?

The results are permanent for many years. If you do not regain weight or get pregnant after your tummy tuck, then the results will be permanent.

We do not recommend fast regain weight and alcohol. You can keep in shape by balanced nutrition and exercise.

If I have given birth am I a candidate and can I give birth after surgery?

Abdominoplasty surgery can be done easily 1 year after given birth and you can give birth 18-24 months after the surgery. Tummy tuck operation does not affect pregnancy.

What is the Age Limit? 

Abdominoplasty is applied to patients over a certain age. The ideal age limit is set at 30-60.



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