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Thigh Lift


When people lose too weight, had a pregnancy and with the advancement of their age, it is inevitable to fat and sagging appearance will occur in the thigh area. This situation is especially seen in patients who have lost excess weight in a very short time, stretching occurs on the skin and sagging may occur because the skin cannot recover itself.

Among the reasons that direct patients to leg aesthetic operations, the patient may experience discomfort due to the friction that may occur while walking. Likewise, such problems may increase the risk of patient's exposure to problems such as diaper rash or fungus in the summer months. This causes both the patient to be aesthetically unhappy and the patient to be uncomfortable while walking.

One of the pleasing results of this surgery is the removal of the skin in the groin area, which is quite dark in some people. The hairy area in the groin will disappear with the excess skin removed.

With the thigh lift surgery, you can have a more aesthetically appearance and you would be more comfortable.


Types of Leg Lıft 

The treatment to be implemented to the patient varies from person to person. Sometimes laser lipolysis can be sufficient alone if the patient has only lubrication on the upper leg and no sagging is seen. With this implementation, the possibility of thinning the upper leg and tightening the leg can be provided. However, if the patient has sagged and loosened in the thigh area, liposuction may not be sufficient.


Especially if the patient has a distinct sagging and relaxation problem with lubrication in the thigh area, the patient will need to undergo a thigh lift (upper leg lift) operation. If the doctor deems it necessary, he can perform thigh lift surgery by supporting it with laser liposuction treatment. Thus, both legs tightening, upper leg thinning and general recovery can be achieved in the region.


How a Thıgh Lift Surgery Performed

The extent of the operation to be performed on the patient occurs after the examination, so the procedure may differ in individuals. Thigh lift surgery can be performed under general anesthesia. The surgery lasts an average of 2 hours. Likewise, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days after the thigh lift surgery. The process may also differ depending on the patient's health, the scope of surgery, and other similar variables.

Usually, in the thigh lift surgery, the adipose tissue is removed from the patient's leg. Then, the excess skin in the region is stretched upwards, that is to the groin, to provide leg tightening. The skin and fat tissues in the form of an ellipse are removed through an incision made from the groin area to the back.

The skin of the upper leg is released and sewn to the groin area. Drains are placed to collect blood and body fluids that can accumulate inside. These drains are removed after 48-72 hours. Because, although it may turn into a scar in line over time, there will be an incision scar due to the method of the thigh lift operation. The incision is made in the area where the thigh and pubic area meet. This scar is such that it will remain under the underwear in the groin.


Who is Candidate for Thıgh Lift Surgery?

Leg thinning aesthetics is applied in patients with thick, cellulite, and oily leg structure. In people who suddenly lose weight, sports solution is difficult, so leg stretching is recommended.

Also, this operation applied to every adult is frequently preferred by male patients. Sagging problems in the inner legs are bothersome for both male and female patients. It is known that such patients cannot wear the clothes they want and are disturbed by the dangling skin.



When the patient comes with such a complaint, the patient is given a detailed examination by the doctor. In this examination, both the patient's expectations from the thigh lift operation are learned, and the skin and excess fat in the patient's thigh area are examined.


To achieve the best results a person seeking this type of cosmetic surgery should have the following process ready during their tummy tuck consultation:

  • Evaluating your medical conditions and risk factors
  • Detailed examination  and measuring of your body,
  • Taking photographs for your medical records


Preparations Before and After Surgery

Before the surgery;

  • Do not smoke for at least 2-3 months,
  • Do not drink or ingest any blood-thinning medications like aspirins and herbal supplements for at least 2-3 weeks,
  • Medical test for evaluation.


After the surgery;

During your recovery from thigh lift surgery, dressings/bandages may be applied to your incisions following the procedure. Small, thin tubes may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood that may collect

After the operation, patients will be dressed in a corset from the ankle to the waist and regular check-ups are made to ensure that the patient's legs respond positively to the treatment. Apart from all these, individuals with thigh lift aesthetics will soon have healthy and fit-looking legs.



After the thigh lift operation, the patient should prefer underwear with high cotton content and avoid sudden movements. In the process, not only corset but also varicose socks should be used and continued until the doctor tells you. As long as attention is paid to these details, there will be no problems. Also;

  • You can  return to work within 2 weeks,
  • You should not drive for 2 weeks,
  • Avoid exercise for 4-6 weeks.


Procedure Risks 

Although leg thinning aesthetics is performed successfully by many experienced doctors in our country, the risk rate of the surgery is very low. The low-risk ratio would help them take the first step for patients who are afraid of plastic surgery, on the other hand, it would be effective to patients can look more beautiful, healthy, and fit.


The Procedure Risks which includes:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Nerve damage
  • Fluid collection
  • Wrinkling, asymmetry, or uneven areas of skin


Procedure Benefits;

  • Remove excess skin, cellulite, and sagging fatty tissue,
  • Reshape the thighs and buttocks,
  • Improve the body’s contour following massive weight loss,
  • Enhance body contour and symmetry.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I expect after a thigh lift? 

The results of a thigh lift are observable immediately after surgery. Sometimes, seeing the results can take several months for the exact appearance. After the thigh lift procedure, skin quality is improved as appearance and feel. There will be some visible scars, but the final results are long, as long as you provide a stable weight and do sport.


  • Is Thigh Surgery Safe? 

Every operation in cosmetic surgery has some risks due to anesthesia and other things but the thigh lift operation risks have a lower ratio. Mostly, safety depends on the patient's medical condition.


How Long Does The Surgery last? 

Thigh lift surgery takes about 2 hours.


How Long Does Recovery Time?

You can return to normal life 1 week after the operation. the healing period varies from approximately 6 months to 12 months.


Can I Swim in the Sea or Pool After the Surgery?

It is not recommended to swim in the pool or sea for 1 month.


  • When can I Start Sports After Surgery?

You can start to sports after 2 months of the surgery.


When can I return to work?

Depending on how physically demanding your job is, you may be ready to return to work after 15 days. 


Is the Tigh Lift Surgery Permanent?

Thigh lift surgery results are permanent.


  • What is the Ideal Age of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Those under the age of 18 cannot be operated. It is applied to patients over a certain age.


  • Can the Thigh Lift Surgery be Done Again?

Yes, the thigh lift can be done again.


Is it Possible Leg Thinning Without Surgery?

Due to frequent weight loss, relaxation, sagging and many complications, loss of fatty tissue in the legs, and loss of skin elasticity, it is not possible to recover saggy skin by sports or diet. In these people, surgery is the only certain solution.


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