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Teeth Whitening


Healthy and white teeth have great importance in terms of aesthetics for society. Teeth whitening procedures are applied to have whiter teeth are the treatments frequently applied by dentists in recent years.


The outermost layer of the tooth is called enamel. Tooth enamel has a perforated structure filled with the color of the food that we eat and drink. Of course, the tooth brushing process provides cleaning of teeth and removal of these colors. However, as a result of food habits, tooth color changes permanently.


Teeth whitening; It is the process of removing the colored, organic and inorganic substances formed in the porous enamel structure on the surface of the teeth with the gels and gives a brighter appearance.


What causes discolored teeth? 

  • The tooth enamel layer gets thinner depending on aging and tooth brushing habits, and the color of the dark tooth layer on the lower part becomes even duller.
  • Consumption of carbonated beverages such as cola, drinking coffee and tea, and frequent consumption of dyed beverages are factors that can change the tooth color in a short time.
  • In addition to the side effects of high blood pressure medications, significant changes are observed in the children's teeth, exposed to various antibiotics.
  • Chemotherapy and radiation are other important factors that cause discoloration of patient teeth.



Teeth whitening techniques Diş Beyazlatma Teknikleri

First of all, decayed teeth are treated before bleaching. The main reason for this is that the gel to be used for bleaching may reach the carious areas and inner parts of the tooth. This increases the sensitivity of the tooth to cold and hot and causes undesirable problems.


The first requirement for whitening is the presence of an enamel layer. In other words, the whitening process is an application that does not work for the crown teeth. After the tooth decay is treated, your dentist cleans your teeth and prepares your teeth for whitening.

There are two different methods of teeth whitening according to the application technique:


  • Office bleaching

It is the fastest, reliable, and effective bleaching system that consists of whitening gel and light performed in an office environment. The teeth can lighten the tooth color 3-4 tones in about 45 minutes.


  • Home Bleaching

Home bleaching is the process by placing gels into personalized plastic mouthpieces. The application time varies between 2 and 6 weeks.

Things to take into consideration after teeth whitening

  • More or less sensitivity is observed in the patient. These sensitivities are temporary and disappear within 1-3 days. Painkillers can be used on the first day if it is required.
  • Patients should avoid eating and drinking extreme cold or heat for the first few days.
  • Nourishments with dark colors such as cigarettes, tea, coffee, chocolate, red wine, cherry, caramel, and tomato paste should not be used for at least 3-4 days following the end of the process.
  • Whitening toothpaste usage will also prolong the whitening effect. These kinds of toothpaste or tooth powders that contain abrasive must never be used. Abrasive products cause both coloring and sensitivity after a length of time.

Does teeth whitening can apply to everyone?

If the patient has advanced bruises and advanced gum disease, they should apply the bleaching procedure after having their treatment done. Teeth whitening can be applied to everyone except the following situations;

  • It cannot be done if there is internal coloring (antibiotic coloring, fluorine coloring, etc.).
  • It does not give good results on gray-toned teeth.
  • If there are enamel cracks or abrasions on the tooth surfaces, it should be treated first and then done.


Frequently Asked Questions  

  • Is teeth whitening safe or does it damage teeth?  

According to some researches and microscopic studies; It has shown that there is no harm in the use of a 10 percent bleaching solution. There is not even a single study that shows there are a structural change and permanent damage to teeth due to tooth whitening. Different concentrations of drugs can also be used, but the dentist must decide how and how much it will be used.

  • Would teeth evenly white in everyone after bleaching? 

Teeth whitening treatment does not give the same results for everyone. How much tooth color will lighten depends on the structure of the tooth.

  • Is the bleaching always resulting successful?

The whiteness changes according to the tooth coloration and the tooth structure after the procedure, but generally, it gives very good results.


  • What are the points to consider while whitening teeth?
  • Colored liquids such as tea, coffee, wine, cola, and tobacco products should be avoided during and after bleaching for 2 days. If used, the process shows adverse reactions, and teeth become colored.


  • What are the side effects of dental whitening?
  • All whitening gels cause less sensitivity to hot and cold beverages, and this is normal side effect.  In case of sensitivity, your dentist will apply the fluoride and the toothpaste or creams that he recommends to you. To reduce sensitivity, toothpastes containing potassium nitrate also work.


  • How long does the bleaching effect last?

The result of the teeth whitening process depends on the tooth structure of the person and remains constant between about 6 months and 2 years. This time depends on the person, they should avoid bad food habits and they should take care of oral health.


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