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Porcelain Laminate Veneers


Porcelain laminates are very thin veneers that can be applied especially to the front teeth for aesthetic purposes. It is called leaf tooth or leaf porcelain among the people due to its thinness.


The basis of the treatment is that the teeth veneer with a perfect color matching aesthetic appearance by gluing the dental crowns to the surface formed by thinning 0.3-0.7 mm from only the front surfaces. In this method, minimum tooth tissue is lost. Laminate is a special method. Every dentist cannot get through this and laminate can not be done in every laboratory.


In which situations are porcelain laminate veneer applied? 

The laminate veneer is the most preferred treatment method for smile design. Porcelain laminates are aesthetic applications that are very healthy. Its color stability is very good and it is naturally indistinguishable from natural teeth due to its light transmittance. In cases porcelain laminate veneers are used;


  • Irregular tooth shape and tooth size,
  • Inharmoniously gingiva level
  • Seperated teeth
  • Colored teeth problem with no whitening result
  • Large, colored teeth with old fillings
  • Broken and worn teeth
  • In teeth whose color is not lightened by teeth whitening
  • Teeth discolored as a result of antibiotics and excessive use of fluoride
  • Teeth with enamel irregularities due to hereditary conditions
  • In cases where the patient is not satisfied in appearance with his teeth


However, porcelain lamina cannot be applied to those under the age of 18, those with jaw disorders, bad habits such as nail-biting, pencil biting, or severe gingival recession.


Lamınate veneers advantages 

  • Thinning on the teeth surface is sufficient. The natural structure of the teeth does not deteriorate, the dental tissue is preserved at the maximum level
  • Since it is a very thin layer, light transmittance is very good, so it ensures the best aesthetic
  • It eliminates discoloration
  • It takes a short time to prepare because it has no infrastructure
  • Not allergic
  • No grayish color occurs at gum level and it resists the stains
  • Highly durable after it's done.
  • Its resistance against abrasion is high.
  • It minimizes the stains and tartar formation caused by smoking, coke, coffee, and similar reasons since the porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth.
  • It is produced from solid, color-stable, and high-strength material.


How are porcelain laminate veneers applied? 

First of all, a smile design for the patient is made. A preliminary study is carried out with the help of photographs and measurements of the patient. Age, gender, face shape, lip form of the patient are taken into consideration in this design process.


A prototype is prepared based on the measurements, and by way of this prototype, the patients see the result in their own mouth without any intervention to the tooth. The patient gets information about the result. The final shape of the tooth is decided by considering the patient's thoughts.


Then, necessary preparations are made on the tooth surface. The patient's teeth are cleaned from the waste. After the cleaning process, a  porcelain layer to be glued to the surface of the tooth is prepared. The laminates are glued to the tooth with an adhesive material that is called resin. If the process order is summarized, it is as follows;

  • Making a treatment plan by taking panoramic and periapical x-rays
  • Filling, root canal treatment and gum treatment when required
  • Deciding the final shape of the laminated teeth on the measurement before the teeth start to be abraded
  • Only 0.3 - 0.7 mm abrasion from the outer surface of the teeth (in some cases, abrasion may not be required)
  • Preparation of temporary laminates
  • Taking the exact measurement
  • Laboratory stage (preparation of laminated teeth)
  • Gluing of laminates to the patient

Gingival harmony is as important as teeth in aesthetic teeth. In this regard, you should also communicate through concrete examples. Color choice should be considered because not all colors can provide a natural appearance in your mouth, as well as harmony with your natural teeth.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are not ideal candidates for porcelain laminates treatment?

It can be applied to almost everyone except those with;

  • Chin disorders, abnormal mouth closures,
  • Parafunctional habits such as bruxism(teeth grinding),
  • Jaw disorders and tooth damage.


  • Why are porcelain dental veneers so expensive?

There are multiple reasons why porcelain dental veneers are expensive. Special materials are used for the laminate veneers' production.  Clinical and laboratory procedures are very difficult and precision work. The facts that the preparation, measurement, and application of the teeth require special technical knowledge and expertise are among the reasons for the higher porcelain laminate dental treatment fees.


  • Is there a risk of porcelain laminate teeth falling out?

No, there is, not as long as the dentist performs under technical exacting. Also, the adhesion values of glues are quite high in today's technology. The laminates cannot be distinguished from the patient's tooth.


  • How long do porcelain laminate veneers last?

Laminates can be used for many years as long as oral hygiene is taken care of. The reason is that they are made of porcelain with superior properties compared to other bonding methods. Porcelain veneers are more resistant to staining and wear. It is necessary to be sensitive to oral care to prolong life. Besides, it is necessary to avoid eating very hard foods, eating nuts, and bad habits such as nail-biting.


  • How to clean porcelain laminates?

The care is the same as the care of natural teeth. It can be used without any problems for a long time with good oral care and regular dentist controls. They are highly aesthetic, natural, and durable restorations.


  • Do porcelain dental veneers ruin the natural teeth?

Porcelain dental veneer doesn't ruin your natural teeth at all. Moreover, it protects your natural teeth from decaying and other damages.

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