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Obesity Surgery

Gastric Botox Injection
Obesity is a disease that means the body has fatter than it should be, and consequently, increasing weight problems occur. More than one method has been developed in the medical world to struggle with obesity...
Endoscopic Intragastric Balloon
It is a weight-loss method that is not indicated for obesity surgery and aims to reduce the quantity of food consumed in a meal by placing an adjustable balloon in the stomach by endoscopy guide.
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
A small stomach pocket (30 cc) is formed and is recombined with the stomach in about one third of the small intestine such that food is not digested.
Swallowable Intragastric Balloon
It is a weight loss method that is not indicated for obesity surgery and aims to reduce the quantity of food consumed in a meal by placing a balloon in the stomach by swallowing a capsule.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and Transit Bipartition
Standart sleeve gastrectomy is made. Calibration of the stomach is provided with a 50F tube.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
It is a weight loss procedure that aims to reduce the amount of food eaten by converting the stomach into a tube 1.5 cm from the junction point of the stomach and esophagus to the exit of the stomach.
Treatment Of Obesity
Prior to the treatment of obesity, the patient's current body mass index, how many years the patient has been obese, and concomitant diseases associated with obesity are evaluated.
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