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Hair Transplant and Treatment


Hair loss is an important problem that starts at an early age today. The hair loss problem, which is commonly seen in men from the age of twenties, can also be seen in women in some cases. Hair loss, which begins with the thinning of hair and decline of the front hairline, may develop genetically in men and hormonal causes and some diseases in women.


People who complain of hair loss should first undergo medical screening to find out if any health problems that cause hair loss. If health problems such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies and hormonal problems that can lead to hair loss are detected, the treatments should be administered first. Hair transplantation can be performed if hair shedding continues after the necessary treatments are applied or if there are irrecoverably gaps in the hair.


Today, if there is a need for hair transplantation over the age of 22, it is considered ethically appropriate. For this reason, all individuals over the age of 22 who have hair loss problems can easily be transplanted.


FUE Hair Transplant 

The Fue technique is the most advanced and latest in hair transplantation operation. With the FUE method, which is one of the most recent and modern hair transplantation techniques and accepted as the gold standard, people with hair loss are offered the opportunity to have natural-looking hair. The FUE method, which is an innovative application technique in hair transplantation, is a technique that allows the transplantation of chest and back hair.

How is the FUE technique done? 

There are basic principles in all methods of hair transplanting operations. These principles include:

1. Obtaining hair roots

2. Opening channels

3. Transplantation


Obtaining hair roots  

It is characteristic of the FUE method, which provides a high incidence of aesthetic success during the obtaining of hair follicles. In the FUE method, hair is taken one by one with cylindrical needles. Thus, hair follicles can be obtained with little damage.


It is also very important to use needles with a size of 0.7 mm to 0.9 mm according to the size of the hair follicles or 1.0 mm for someone whose hair roots are 3-4-5 strands.

The sharpness of the needles used here and the one-time use for each patient is another factor affecting the success of the operation. Again, removing the hair according to the angles of the roots is another point that will prevent the roots from being damaged.

For example, there are needles called u-grafts for someone with curly hair, which takes place without damaging the curvy shape when taking the root. All these are the subtleties planned by the doctor before the operation according to the patient's condition.


Opening the channels 

Metal (steel) slits used to be used in the classical FUE method during the channel opening. Today, sapphire blades, which are much smoother and sharper, are used. It is much easier to determine the natural hair transplantation angle and direction with the use of sapphire tips in opening the hair es roots.


The direction of the hair is created while opening the channel. The angle of the hair to the skin is the factor to be considered during the transplantation phase. With the use of sapphire tips, faster recovery is observed after opening the channels. A few different tips are sufficient for each patient, depending on the thickness of the hair follicles. Again, it is important to use each tip for only one patient.



The final stage is the process of placing the hair one by one at 40-45 degree angles in the channels opened in the right direction during the transplantation phase. All three stages have their subtleties. The most important touch at all these stages is of course experience.


Advantages of the FUE technique FUE tekniğinin avantajları

• Denser and more natural-looking hair can be transplanted.

• It is a permanent solution from mild hair loss to baldness.

• It is a comfortable technique because it is a procedure developed in a way that patients will feel the least pain and does not leave any wound or stitch marks after the operation.

• Patients recover quickly after FUE operation. They can easily return to their normal lives and travel after 1 day.

• If the hair transplantation operation is done correctly, the hair follicles taken from the donor area will not be damaged. Even if several operations are had in this way, there will be no change in appearance.

• Transplanted hair grows at approximately 98% efficiency.

Pay attention to these for the first 3 days!

• Never wash your hair before a doctor's visit,

• Do not do sports,

• Avoid activities that could cause you to hit your head in your fall,

• Protect your head from any kind of impact,

• Practice sexual abstinence,

• You can wear a hat or a beanie, but be careful not to tighten it,

• Do not scratch the treated area,

• Do not drink alcohol,

• Do not smoke,

• Use prescribed medications regularly,

• Do not use perfume or deodorant as it can reach the head area,

• Scab occurring is normal after hair transplantation. Never scratch these scabs,

• Eat healthily.


Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How should the distribution of the hair roots be? 

Distribution of roots should be specific to each individual according to skin color, gender, age, type of baldness, and hair type. Different and healthy follicular units are selected and positioned by the surgeon to regenerate your dense and natural-looking hair.


  • Is the procedure safe? 

Minimal trauma, minimum bleeding, and very fast recovery are observed in the FUE method hair transplantation. The transplanted hair starts to grow after the operation and naturally continues for a lifetime after the adaptation period is over.


  • Does hair transplant hurt? 

There is no hurt or pain in hair transplant operations because local anesthesia is applied.


  • Is hair transplantation permanent? Saç ekimi kalıcı mı?

Results are permanent due to a person's own hair roots are taken.


  • How should washing be after hair transplantation? Saç ekimi sonrası yıkama nasıl olmalıdır?

This washing requires precision. Hair should wash with warm water and gentle hand movements.


  • When does the hair start to grow and fall out? Saçlar ne zaman çıkmaya başlar ve dökülür mü?

The hair falls for the first 2 months and starts to grow after the 3rd month. 70-80% of the hair grows in the first 6 months, and the remaining hair grows in the 2nd 6 months. The patient takes his final form in 1 year.


  • Does the numbness in the head continue throughout the day? 

Numbness is felt only for the time required for the procedure.


No. It can also be applied for short hair.


  • Can the transplanted hair be dyed in the future? 

You can dye your hair after the time specified by the physician.


It has no harm or side effects.

  • I will also have plastic surgery. Should I have the hair transplant first? 

It would be better to do plastic surgery first.


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