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Golden rules that ensures faster recovery time after breast surgery

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Golden rules that ensure faster recovery time after breast surgery


1. Return to your daily life in a short time: Maintain your daily life, provided that you follow some of the rules set by your doctor. Also, the healing process will be faster since the movement will increase blood circulation. The surgery area heals on its own. You just need to protect from trauma.

2. Apply ice to your chest: Cold application prevents swelling, as it interferes with the edema in that area. If it swells excessively, it may be annoying in appearance. It is not something permanent. The swelling increases for the first 3 days. It starts to reduce after the third day.


3. Remove the bandages by asking your doctor: These bandages have the benefits of joining the wound lips and preventing infection by closing the wound. If it stays longer than necessary, it may prevent healing of the area and disrupt healing. So pay attention to your doctor's advice on bandages.

4. Listen to your body: You can make movements that your body allows you. These are the movements that we do for daily work. Dressing, undressing, bathing, etc. If you feel pain during your movement, you should restrict that movement. To prevent the wound area from stretching and the widening of the leave, avoid the movements that will stretch and force that area for 3-4 months.

5. Use the prescription that has given to you: It is useful to use edema-reducing drugs for 15 days. Also, you must use your antibiotic for infection regularly until it will deplete. In the meantime, if you have medicines that you use for chronic disease, keep using them.

6. 4th day after the operation,  massage softly with a moisturizing cream to the exposed areas of your breast: This ensures that the edema removes more quickly. It also speeds up the way the tissues fusion together and the shaping of the breast.

7. Choose the sports bra for 1 month after the operation: The sports bra collects the breast and prevents it from swinging during movement. In this way, the wound healing won‘t be difficult.

8. Do not bath with very hot water for the first week: Hot water increases edema, delays wound healing.

9. Avoid lifting heavy items: You should avoid excessive strain on your arm and chest muscles, and if you insist on doing these, some kind of trauma will occur in your chest area. This is a situation that negatively affects the capsule formed around the silicone in the first month.

10. After the operation, stay away from heavy sports for 1 month, solarium, and sauna for 2 months: Especially during arm sports, the wound may be traumatized in the first 1 month in the region where the silicone is placed. For these reasons, heavy sports should not be done in the first 1 month.  Hot environments such as sauna, solarium, and hammam causes edema to the tissues in the healing process, instead of this, you can walk.

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