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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation


Breast fat injection procedure is one of the primary methods that enable the breasts to achieve the ideal shape. Fat transfer is the process of moving the fat tissue in one region of the person's body to another region.

The fat required for fat injection is taken from another part of the body with the probe of liposuction. The collected fat is prepared for transfer to another part of the body. Fat to be used in fat injection is usually taken from the abdomen, waist, and hip. Briefly, breast fat injection is the process of transferring excess fats that are formed in other parts of the body to the breasts by injection.

Of course, for this process to be performed, the body must have the necessary amount of fat to make an injection to breasts. In short, for the person to achieve the desired breast size, it is necessary to have enough fat in the body.


Who are the ideal candidates for fat transferring to breasts? 

  • Patients who are good candidates for breast augmentation surgery are following;
  • Women whose breasts never achieved the volumetric shape that is desired
  • Women who had asymmetry between their breasts
  • Women who are bothered by the feeling that her breasts are too small.

But it is not suitable for every woman. There should be a certain amount of breast volume, there should be enough reserve fat in the body. It is also not suitable for those who want a very large breast. A certain amount of fat can be given, if given more, it will not retain adipose tissue.


What are the advantages of fat transfer breast augmentation? 

The most important advantage is that it provides an extremely natural look. It also makes happy to patients because it provides thinning by fat removal from another body region. Since the advantages of fat injection are obtained from the patient's tissues, there will not occur some prosthetic complications that we call a foreign body reaction, there are no relatively long scars required to insert the prosthesis, and that these tissues are compatible with the changes in the breast over time.


How fat transfer breast augmentation done? 

It is done under general anesthesia. There are two stages of breast augmentation with fat injection. The first step is to remove fat from one or more parts of the body, and the second step is to inject the fat tissue taken into the breasts. This process takes about 2 to 4 hours.

For the procedure, fat is collected with a liposuction probe from different parts of the body and the taken fat is carefully injected into the breasts. This process is done very successfully even in individuals with low body fat. After that, the fat grows in the tissue matrix and breast augmentation occurs naturally.


As a result of this procedure, which is carried out using the body's body fat, visible growth occurs in the breast region. This procedure is also an ideal method for women who have given birth to enlarge the breasts that shrink after birth. Also, this procedure ensures regional slimming according to fat injection.

After surgery 

Breast augmentation with fat injection is performed by under general anesthesia and therefore the person does not feel pain.

Women who have enlarged their breasts with this procedure say that the recovery process is quite fast, contrary to expectations. After 1-2 days after the procedure, they can return to their daily routine. Swelling, pain, and in some cases the bruises may occur in regions where the fat is taken and injected after the procedure.

You need to wear a support bra for about six weeks. During this time, you are not allowed to do any sports activities. Also, scars should not be exposed to sun or solar radiation for at least two months.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Breast implant or fat transfer?

In some patients, the breast implant gives better results, the fat injection does. Sometimes both may be required. Especially in patients with malformed breasts. If nipple folds are evident, that is, the breast is not straight and there is a little cover of the breast, if there is enough fat in the body and the patient does not want too big, the first choice is the fat injection.


If there are only a nipple and a vague fold under the breast, it is impossible to achieve a good result with fat injection in such a patient. Because breast cover must be filled for the fat injection operation to be successful. So, silicon is better than fat injection when this is the case.


  • Can breast implants and fat transfer be combined? 

There can be big differences between the two breasts. While one of the breasts looks like a droopy, the other one looks like as if there is none, or when one of it is normal, the other one can be in the form of a tubular breast. In such cases, it is very difficult to achieve equality only with silicone. Because silicon creates a round image.

The implant does not affect the nipple. It can also open the lower part at a certain rate but, here we need soft tissue. In these cases, that roundness can be given by fat injection at least six months later.

  • Is there scarring after fat transfer breast augmentation? 

No, the injection of fat which is the patient's body tissue, to her breast and the absence of any wound and scar during this procedure is the biggest difference and advantage of the breast augmentation operation from other breast aesthetic surgeries.


  • Will fat transfer to breasts affect the ability to breastfeed? 

No, breast surgeries are performed in a way that does not affect the mammary glands, and therefore, fat transfer to the breast does not constitute an impediment for breastfeeding.


  • Can the breasts reject fat transfer? 

In this procedure,  the transferred fat won't be rejected as it is taken from your tissue.


  • Is fat transfer breast augmentation results permanent? 

The success rate of the fat injection method is quite high. In other words, it can meet the demands of almost all requests related to one's breasts. Of course, success rates may differ depending on the person's body structure, sessions, and post-session.

However, the most important point that the patient should know is how much fat inject to the person in a session completely depends on the patient's body structure. This is completely proportional to the person's body structure and responses.

  • How much bigger can breast by fat transfer?  

In the fat injection procedure, the patient can be injected to breasts with a minimum of 150 ccs and a maximum of 450 ccs of fat in one session. Usually, this amount of fat injection is sufficient for patients.



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