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Breast Enlargement


Breast enlargement also called breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that is performing to increase the size, shape, and fullness of a woman's breast. Breast enlargement surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery operations in the world. For women, the breast is one of the most important organs of their body.

In our age, women prefer breast augmentation operations due to the increasing importance of appearance and body structure. Silicone breast prostheses are used in these procedures. The quality of the prosthesis used in breast aesthetic operations is also very important.

In recent researches, breast augmentation surgeries in the world are among the most preferred operations for women in 2019 and as of 2020.  If their breasts are large, small, full, or upright, it is of great importance for them.


Who is the ideal candidate for breast enlargement?

  • Women who think that their breasts are small, breast enlargement surgery is performed to correct the disproportionality in body lines, especially the hip-to-breast ratio.
  • Reshaping to breast due to the loss of their firmness after childbirth or aging(In some cases, sagging may occur in the breasts).
  • To ensure symmetry in breast size. In most women, breasts are not symmetrical. If this is very distinct, the breast should be enlarged.
  • To reconstruct the breast in various situations, for example after breast cancer surgery, no congenital breast, etc.
  • Placed breast prostheses need to be changed due to wear, lost their edge, or a problem in that area.

To perform breast enlargement surgery, you need to provide the following conditions

  • You should physically healthy and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you can‘t
  • If you have realistic expectations
  • If your breasts are fully developed


Types of Breast Prothesis

Types of silicone according to the shape:

  • Anatomical (drop)
  • Round

Types of silicone-based on the surface:

  • Flat surface
  • With texture surface

Areas where silicone (prosthesis) is placed:

  • Under the breast tissue
  • Under the muscle tissue

Entrance places where silicone is placed:

  • Nipple
  • Nipple
  • Armpit
  • Belly button



The size of the prosthesis will be chosen according to your breast and rib cage structure, body size, breast size, and shape that you want. The incisions to have occurred in this type of operation differ according to areas.


Before the operation, you must inform your doctor about the previous surgeries and medications that you used. Also, if you have an individual that cancer treatment in your family, you must share this with your doctor.


Before the operation, after the doctor's control in the hospital, blood tests are performed. It is very important not to leave important lab tests like this on the last day. Because there may be additional tests that doctors will ask for. If you catch a cold after the doctor's check, it is very important to inform your doctor.


In other examinations that you must have before the operation are mammography and ultrasound. It is very important not to leave these examinations on the last day. Because according to the results of the examinations, your doctor may ask you to be examined by the general surgeon, your surgery date may need to change.


During your consultation, you should discuss important issues for your surgery, such as proper placement method, correct prosthesis shape, and suitable size according to your body. As a result of this examination, if your doctor will decide on the technique of armpit placement, your armpit should be nonhairy on the surgery day.


How is Performed The Breast Enlargement Surgery? 

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes one to three hours, depending on the scope of the surgery. The prosthesis is inserted from the nipple, just below the breast, under the armpit, or through the belly button.

The area where the silicone will be placed varies according to the rate of enlargement of the breast in the patient's structure and what she is expecting after surgery. Breast tissue from the muscles and connective tissue of the chest are separated by incisions.

In this way, it creates a pocket where is behind or in front of the outmost muscle of the breast wall. The surgeon will place the implant in this pocket and center it behind the nipple. Saline implants are placed empty and then filled in sterile saline after replacing them.

As its name signifies, silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel. After that, the implant is placed and the surgeon closes the incision with skin adhesive stitches and bandages. The selection of the incision site is important to minimize scar formation.


Before The Surgery

  • You should blood test
  • You should stop smoking
  • You should avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as they can increase bleeding
  • Stop taking recreational drugs, such as cocaine


After Surgery 

It is necessary to stay in the hospital generally for 1 night after the operation. Even though there is no operation from the risky surgery group under normal conditions, undesirable results such as hematoma, infection, and below-ideal breast shape may occur.

Medications that we give after surgery are sufficient to eliminate your pain. Due to the developing technology, silicone surgeries are no longer very painful. It is not an operation that will require you to lie down for days like before. Although the pain threshold is completely a problem with the person, your pain will decrease in two to three days.

Sensation loss and numbness in your nipple will get better in 3-6 days. Your edema will gradually decrease within a month and your breast will take its true shape and will have a natural softness within two months.

You will use the sports bra for  1 month after the surgery. Your doctor will allow you to start the exercise within 1-2 months after the follow-up. You can follow the condition of your breast and silicone by taking a breast USG or breast MR every 5 years.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a risk of breast surgery?

Each surgery has certain complications and risks. Since the augmentation operation is also a surgical procedure, so it has several risks listed below.

  • Scar tissue that disrupts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)
  • Breast pain
  • Infection
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Implant leak or rupture


  • Will be any scar in that area?

After the operation, there will be a small about 5 cm under the breast.


  • What are the restrictions after breast enlargement?

Upper arm movements such as reaching should be avoided for the first 1-2 weeks. Lifting anything heavy material should be avoided for 6 weeks after the operation.


  • How long does it take for breast implants to soften?

After the surgery, your new breasts will likely be high up on your chest and you can feel hard to the touch.  This feeling is completely normal, and your new breasts will eventually settle and soften, typically within 6 months.


  • Will my breast implants look smaller at first?

Your breasts may look smaller than you were expecting. At first, the muscle and breast tissues will tight, compress your implant. In the process of time, these tissues will relax, then your implant will have a more natural appearance. Your breast size may increase over time.

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